Rest in peace George Floyd
And all the senseless deaths
Can't stand for it no more
Black Lives Matter not just chatter
X factor main impactor are distractors
Knee on neck knee on the back
You ain't no chiropractor
Take away qualified immunity
We want equality and equity
You need to get judged the same way we get judged
Black Lives Matter not just chatter
Knee on neck knee on the back
You ain't no chiropractor
Karen's calling 911 lying that we smacked her
One movie role reversal black people master
White people called the c word
N word feels like cracker
Without the bodycam or vid
But chokeholds to our rapture
But we gotta go out like with a chokehold like
We can't just get put in the back of the pattywagon
And then you gonna get desk duty
Black Lives Matter not just chatter
X factor main impactor are distractors
Knee on neck knee on the back
You ain't no chiropractor
Take away qualified immunity
We want equality and equity
You need to get judged the same way we get judged
Black Lives Matter not just chatter
Knee on neck knee on the back
You ain't no chiropractor
Karen's calling 911 lying that we smacked her
One movie role reversal black people master
White people called the c word
N word feels like cracker
Without the bodycam or vid
But chokeholds to our rapture
But we gotta go out like with a chokehold
We can't just get put in the back of the pattywagon
And then you gonna get desk duty
Black Lives Matter not just chatter
X factor main impactor are distractors
Knee on neck knee on the back
You ain't no chiropractor
We feel that the problems number one
Of the black man in America
Is beyond America's ability to solve
It's a human problem not an American problem or negro problem
And as a human problem or world problem
We feel that it should be taken out of the jurisdiction
Of the United States government
We believe our problems is one not of violation of civil rights
But violation of human rights
Not only are we denied the right to be a citizen in United States
We are denied the right to be a human being