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Sophia del Carmen

World music
Electronic music
Representative of the new generation of Latino artists, born and raised in the United States, Sophia Del Carmen was born in Los Angeles (California) and grew up in Miami (Florida). Her Guatemalan and Costa Rican parents gave her an arts-oriented upbringing, with music and drama lessons. At the age of fifteen, she wrote her own songs and was spotted by Pitbull at a singing competition in 2009. In 2012, Sophia Del Carmen took part with Pitbull in the success of the song "Beat on My Drum" by Italian DJ Gary Ponte. Released in December 2014, the song "Lipstick" became the first inter...
Habibi I Love You
Habibi I Love YouChawki, Sophia del Carmen and Pitbull

100 Hits Eté 2013


LipstickSophia del Carmen



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