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Sandie Shaw

Pop music
Soul music
60s pop
Singer, model and fashion icon Sandra Ann Goodrich is better known by her stage name Sandie Shaw. She was born in Dagenham, Essex, England and after leaving school worked in the Ford Plant Factory there. She loved to sing from an early age and entered several talent shows. In 1963, she came second in one such competition which led to her performing in a concert where she was spotted by Adam Faith. He introduced her to his agent, and she released her first single 'As Long As You're Happy' in 1964. Her second single was a cover version of the Burt Bacharach and Hal David song '(The...
(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me
(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me 

Bonus Track

Sandie Shaw


Love Me Do
Love Me DoSandie Shaw

Reviewing The Situation


Girl Don't Come
Girl Don't ComeSandie Shaw

Sandie Shaw

Puppet on a String
Puppet on a StringSandie Shaw

Love Me Please Love Me


(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me
(There's) Always Something There to Remind MeBurt Bacharach and Sandie Shaw



Long Live Love
Long Live Love 

Bonus Track

Sandie Shaw


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