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Lizzy Borden

Glam rock
Rock music
Hard rock
As Sunset Boulevard became the home of big-haired, flamboyant, glam-metal in the early 1980s, local Los Angeles scenester Lizzy Borden built his band on hard riffs and theatrical showmanship and set about enjoying a career spanning four decades. When he was growing up, Borden - real name Gregory Charles Harges - and his drummer brother Joey Scott, fell in love with the metal heroes of the 1970s and together they sought to combine the operatic rock anthems of Queen, the B-movie horror shows of Alice Cooper and the dark, gothic menace of Ozzy Osbourne. Harges named both himsel...
Me Against the World
Me Against the WorldLizzy Borden

Visual Lies


Rod of Iron
Rod of IronLizzy Borden

Love You to Pieces


Master of Disguise
Master of DisguiseLizzy Borden

Master of Disguise


Under Your Skin
Under Your SkinLizzy Borden

Appointment with Death


There Will Be Blood Tonight
There Will Be Blood TonightLizzy Borden

Deal with the Devil


We Only Come Out at Night
We Only Come Out at NightLizzy Borden

Deal with the Devil


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