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Lil' Troy

Rap music
Gangsta rap
Southern hip hop
Lil’ Troy (born on February 24, 1966 in Houston, Texas) may have first introduced himself as a rapper, but found fame as an executive producer and the founder of Short Stop Records. Taking local crew Mass 187 under his wing in 1987, he oversaw the group’s fleeting success: the trio signed to Payday Records for the single “Gangsta Strut” before returning to Short Stop with two LPs in the 1990s. Troy’s real breakthrough came with “Wanna Be a Baller”, the second single from his 1998 debut album Sittin’ Fat Down South, which featured vocals from Yungstar, Lil’ Will, Big T and Screwed...
Wanna Be a Baller
Wanna Be a BallerLil' Troy, Lil' Will, Fat Pat, Yungstar, Big-T and H.A.W.K.

Sittin' Fat Down South


Still a Bitch
Still a BitchLil' Troy, Willie D and Ardis

Sittin' Fat Down South


Wanna Be a Baller
Wanna Be a BallerLil' Troy

Sittin' Fat Down South

Where's the Love
Where's the LoveLil' Troy

Sittin' Fat Down South


IntroLil' Troy

Sittin' Fat Down South


RollinLil' Troy, Big Cedd, Nattie and Bad Co.

Sittin' Fat Down South


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