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Johnny Otis

Early R&B
Soul music
Known as the "The Godfather of Rhythm and Blues", Johnny Otis crossed racial divides to become a bandleader, television host, political activist, chef, cartoonist and one of the great all round entertainers of the 1950s. Born in California to Greek immigrant parents, he changed his name from Ioannis Alexandres Veliotes in his teens and became one of the first white Americans to perform with black musicians when he played drums with swing orchestras around his home town of Oakland in the mid-1940s. Settling in Los Angeles, he opened The Barrelhouse Club and his house band led the ...
Willie And The Hand Jive
Willie And The Hand JiveJohnny Otis

In Session Information

Willie And The Hand Jive
Willie And The Hand JiveJohnny Otis

The Capitol Years


Please Don't Leave Me
Please Don't Leave MeJohnny Otis

Blues & Swing Party Vol. 1


Barrel House Blues
Barrel House BluesJohnny Otis

Cuttin' Up


Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, CorrinaJohnny Otis and Big Joe Turner

Corinne, Corinna


Ma (He's Making Eyes at Me)
Ma (He's Making Eyes at Me)Johnny Otis

The Johnny Otis Show
