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Big Bill Broonzy

Chicago Blues
Acoustic blues
Big Bill Broonzy was a legendary blues performer whose work influenced many great artists such as Eric Clapton, John Lennon and Jerry Garcia. He is credited with being a major influence in the development of the Chigago blues style and during his varied career brought folk and blues together and introduced it to a wider audience. He spent his formative years in the Pine Bluff area of Arkansas working as a share cropper where he experienced the racial intolerance which was commonplace in certain parts of America in that era, this led him to relocate to Chicago in search of op...
When Things Go Wrong (It Hurts Me Too)
When Things Go Wrong (It Hurts Me Too)Big Bill Broonzy

Recorded In Club Montmartre 1956

Black, Brown and White
Black, Brown and WhiteBig Bill Broonzy

Black, Brown And White

Stuff They Call Money
Stuff They Call MoneyBig Bill Broonzy

The Blues Collection Vol 2

This Train (Bound for Glory)
This Train (Bound for Glory)Big Bill Broonzy

Black, Brown And White


Mississippi River Blues
Mississippi River BluesBig Bill Broonzy

Delta Blues


Key to the Highway
Key to the HighwayBig Bill Broonzy



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