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Aurora Orchestra

Classical music
Resident at Kings Place in London, the Aurora Orchestra is an innovative chamber ensemble whose stated goal is "to reach new audiences through an outward-looking and collaborative approach to orchestral music-making, built on an unparalleled range of creative partnerships and a consciously omnivorous approach to repertoire". They have been led, since their foundation in 2005, by conductor Nicholas Collon, who is also principal conductor of the Residentie Orkest in the Hague and principal guest conductor of the Guerzenich Orchester in Cologne. Averaging more than 80 concerts each ...
HolililiAlan Silinga, Aurora Orchestra, Iain Farrington and Pumeza Matshikiza

Voice Of Hope


SaduvaMackay Davashe, Aurora Orchestra, Iain Farrington and Pumeza Matshikiza

Voice Of Hope


Thula Baba
Thula BabaTraditional, Aurora Orchestra, Iain Farrington and Pumeza Matshikiza

Voice Of Hope


The Click Song
The Click SongNathan Mdledle, Aurora Orchestra, Iain Farrington, Joseph Mogotsi, Pumeza Matshikiza, Ronnie Sehume and Rufus Khoza

Voice Of Hope


Umzi Watsha
Umzi WatshaKevin Volans, Aurora Orchestra, Iain Farrington and Pumeza Matshikiza

Voice Of Hope

