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Adam Jacobs

Stage musical
Stage & Screen
The Impossible Dream
The Impossible DreamNorm Lewis, Sting, Liz Callaway, Christiane Noll, Kristin Chenoweth, Brian d'Arcy James, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Josh Groban, Shoshana Bean, Kate Baldwin, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Kelli O'Hara, Marc Kudisch, Christy Altomare, Joanna Gleason, Aaron Lazar, Max Von Es and Adam Jacobs

Impossible Dream


Broadway for ALS - Aaron Lazar: The Impossible Dream
Broadway for ALS - Aaron Lazar: The Impossible DreamAaron Lazar, Sting, Ad, Liz Callaway, Christiane Noll, Kristin Chenoweth, Brian d'Arcy James, Norm Lewis, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Josh Groban, Shoshana Bean, Max Von Essen, Kate Baldwin, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Kelli O'Hara, Marc Kudisch, Christy Altomare, Joanna Gleason and Adam Jacobs
